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Everything posted by bio_vrelle

  1. um Homen com uma idade avancada casa com uma mulher jovem , e passado algum tempo do casamento este mm homen procura a ajuda do medico porque nao consegue fazer com k a sua jovem mulher atinga o orgasmo. o medico intom recomendou-lhe k usase uma especie de fantasia : `Enquanto faz sexo kom a sua mulher ponha um jovem masculino todo nu no seu quarto a abanar uma toalha branca`.- `ok` respondeu o velhote correndo pra casa pra fazer a tal expriencia mas o resultado foi nulo . voltou entao ao consultorio e falou novamente com o medico k o aconselhou a inverter os papeis , ou seija enquanto o joven fazia sexo com a sua mulher ele fikaria a abanar a toalha e assim foi o velho voltou a casa e exprimentou e enquanto a expriencia decorria a mulher deu um grito enorme de satifacao e logo o velho agarrou o jovem contractado dizendo` Taz a ver ... assim é k tu deves abanar a merda da toalha`...
  2. pra muitas pessoas é mais facil acreditar em lendas do k em realidades ..... isto pra min é muito estranho e leva-me acrer k as pessoas acreditaum nakilo k kerem e nao nakilo k é verdade....
  3. eheheheh mas no entando chegou ao chelsea disse k iria ganhar tudo e ganhou o campeonato só perdeu a F.A cup e perdeu as meias finais da liga dos campeos pro liverpool (de bola tb precebo ...) Aerogel Posted on Jun 16 2005, 12:49 PM De facto, CRÊ-SE que o universo tenha originado do Big-Bang, mas é apenas a teoria apoiada na informação que até hoje conseguimos interpretar. O Big-Bang em si, continua a ser um enorme mistério, apenas simplesmente explicado de uma forma muito teórica e pouco sustentada... Explica-me tu isso... ok na boax existem muitas + provas sobre o big bang meu amigo in 1965 two researchers by the name of arno penzias and robert wilson discovered these waves by chance. this radiation is called cosmic background radiation , did not seem to radiate from a particular source but rather pervaded the whole of space . thus it was understood that the heat waves that were radiated uniformly from all around space were laft over from the initial stages of the Big Bang .Penzias and Wilson were awarded a Nobel Prize for their discovery . in 1989 ,Nasa sent the cosmic backgound explorer (COBE) satellite into space to do a research on cosmic backgound radiation.It took only 8 minutes for the sensitive scanners on this satellite to confirm the measurements of Penzias and Wilson .The COBE had found remains of the big explosion that had taken place at the outset of the universe. Defined as the greatest astronomic discovery of all times this finding explicitly PROVED the BIG BANG THEORY. the findings of the COBE2 satellite which was sent into space after COBE satellite also confirmed the calculations based on Big Bang. Another important piece of evidence for the big bang was the amout of hydrogen and helium in space . in the latest calculations , it was understood that the hydrogen-helium concentration in the universe complied with the theoretical calculations of the hydrogen-helium concentration remaining from Big Bang . If the univrese had no beginning and if it had existed since eternity ,its hydrogen constituent should have been completely consumed and converted to helium . All this compellin evidence caused the big bang theory to be embraced by the scientific community. the big bang model was the latest point reached by science concerning the information and the beginning of the universe amigo aerogel como ves aki na entra so teoria tem aki provas fisicas (hydrogen-helium) sobre o big bang ate a comunidade cientifica deixou de questionar tal coisa ... e tu ainda keres kontinuar a kestionar o BIG BANG ???
  4. mai nada esse é o lema do islam Tolerancia e Paz... Aerogel prometo-te k quando tiver tempo vou por aki mais uns post`s com provas explicitas da existencia de um criador aki na se trata de uma verdade como tu ai dizes ou na se trata de uma oferta trata se sim de toda a verdade e essas ofertas k tua ai falas sao simplesmente provas k Deus mandou pra pessoas como tu ficarem a pensar mas o k é estranho é k mm assim na acreditaum e isso pra min é visto como ignorancia ....
  5. epa esta ai bem escrito k o big bang é uma das provas k o universo foi criado a partir de um so ponto ou seija nada disto esta aki ha toa ou por coincidencia alias esta ai escrito k todo o k foi cientificamente provado so no seculo 20 ja era conhecido por via do Al-corao ha 14 seculos atras intom agora explicame la como isso é possivel
  6. (niko Posted on Jun 15 2005, 05:09 PM ) bio_vrelle: "intom ker dizer k a maior parte do povo aki defende a teoria k tudo isto k existe apareceu por pura coincidencia ... e k deus é so uma historia inventada por a cabeca dos humanos ? isso é k me faz rir coincidencias sao as palavras usadas por ingorantes quando veem algo pra kual nao encontrao resposta imediata" Gostava de descobrir aki o teu contributo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- intom abre os olhos :wowow: o Al-corao diz k todo o universo veio de um so ponto e é pra esse mm ponto k ele vai voltar ou seija o universo é como a forma de um galaxia (spiral) o principio é o fim mas em termo cientificos isso so fikou provado no seculo 21 e o Al-corao foi revelado ha 1,400 anos atras . (Aerogel Posted: Jun 7 2005, 03:48 PM) Mas porque é que teve que ser "alguém" (divino ou não) a criar o universo? Porque não explicar o Big-Bang e outros acontecimentos, apoiados em teorias mais concretas, por sua vez, apoiadas em ciencias mais exactas, como as fisicas? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- intom tabem vamos la falar na ciencia mais propriamente no big bang In 1929 , in The California Mount Wilson Observatory , an Americam astronomer by the name of Edwin Hubble made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of astronomy. While he observed the stars with a giant telescope , he found out that the light from them was shifted to the red end of the spectrum and that this shift was more pronounced the further a star was from the earth .This discovery had an electrifying effect in the world of science , becuse according to the recognised rules of physics, the spectra of light beams travelling towards the point of observation tend towards violet while the spectra of light beams moving away from the point of observation tend towards red During Hubble`s observation , the light from stars was discovered to tend towards red.This mean that they were constantly moving away from us. Before long , Hubble made another very important discovery : Stars and Galaxies moved away not only from us , but also from one another . The only conclusion that could be derived from a universe where everything moves away from everything else is that the universe constantly `expands`. To better understand ,the universe can be thought of as the surface of a balloon being blown up. Just as the point on the surface of a balloon move apart from each other as the balloon is inflated , so do the objects in space move apart from each other as the universe keeps expanding . In fact this had been theoretically discovered even earlier.ALBERT EINSTEIN ,who is considered the greatest scientist of the century, had concluded after the calculations he made in theoretical physics that the universe could not be static (like Politzer stated in the 19 century). However , he had laid his discovery to rest simply not to conflict with widely recognised static universe model of his time . Later on Einstien was to identify his act as `the greatest mistake of his career`. Subsequently , it becume definite by Hubble`s Observations that the universe expands. What importance , then did the fact that the universe expands have on the existence of the universe ? The expansion of the universe implied that if it could travel backwards in time, the universe would prove to have originated from a single point . The calculations showed that this single point that harboured all the matter of the universe should have `zero volume` and `infinite density`. The universe had come about by the explosion of this single point with zero volume . This great explosion that marked the beginning of the universe was named `BIG BANG` and the theory started to be so called . It has to be stated that `zero volume` is a theoretical expression used for descriptive pruposes. Science can define the concept of `nothingness`, which is beyond the limits of human comprehension , only by the expressing `nothingness`.The universe has come into being from nothingness. In other words it was created. The Big Bang theory showed that in the beginning all the obects in the universe were of one piece and then were oarted. This fact which was revealed by the Big Bang theory was stated in the QUR`AN 14 centuries ago when people had very limited knowledge about the universe. Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and earth were joined together(as ine unit of creation) ,before We clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing .Will they not them believe?(surat al-anbiya,30) As stated in the verse, everything even the` heavens and the earth` that were not yet created were created with a Big Bang out of a single point ,and shaped the present universe by being parted from each other. When we compare the statements in the verse with the Big Bang Theory , we see that they fully agree with each other. However , the Big Bang was introduced as a scientific theory only in the 20th century . The expansion of the universe is one of the most important pieces of evidence that the universe was created out of nothing. Although this fact was not discovered by the science until the 20th century , Allah has informed us of this reality in the QUR`AN revealed 1,400 years ago : It is We who have built the universe with (our creative) power, and , verily, it is We who are steadily expandind it. ( surat adh-Dahariyat,47)
  7. Wizack Twizack - Naked Tourist - Insane Behaviour - Grapes of Wrath - Entropy-Peacespect - Matutero-The Nommos etc... retiro wizack porque acabo de saber k vai estar em torres vedras dia 2 de julho
  8. intom ker dizer k a maior parte do povo aki defende a teoria k tudo isto k existe apareceu por pura coincidencia ... e k deus é so uma historia inventada por a cabeca dos humanos ? isso é k me faz rir coincidencias sao as palavras usadas por ingorantes quando veem algo pra kual nao encontrao resposta imediata ....
  9. bem arte é akilo k o artista kizer ....
  10. ai o synthohm tem razao so vou acrescentar k ele ja assinou ha ja algum tempo por a Devils Mind Records e a dita V/A esta ai na tarda Mas so ha 500 copias... Silent Horror Silent Horror (real name- Jigar Shah, DOB-23/11/1982) is a home made dark psy producer based in India, Pune. Been listening to psytrance for 6 years now and been following all the the changes in the psychedelic scene. Majorly influenced by horror movies and gothic black metal hestarted his own journey 2003 and now is with the finest of the underground psy producers. Jigar is a Marine Engineer by profession and has managed to dedicate most of his time to make music for people to freak out on. He will always be thankful to Claw and paranoize for giving his sound the magic touch V.A - REFUSED (DVSMCD01) The compilation will be limited edition only and it will feature the Devils Mind artists. Be sure to check back in order to get yourself a copy once its out! Zombieterror on the way! This release will prove that you do not need to have a whole lot of cash on your bank account and be greedy in order to deliver killermusic! All you need is faith, energy and good friends! Distribution Domestic: Devils Mind Records / International: Wirikuta Distribution Tracklist 01 Atrocious Berserker - Murderer's Suicide Wish 02 Baphomet Engine vs. Electrypnose - Remote Control 03 Metallaxis - Dark Light 04 Silent horror - Placid on acid 05 Savage Scream - X-Mash (Devils Mind Remix) 06 Crying Orc - Empty head, Crying Spirit 07 Phobium - Transfiguration 08 Peacespect - Monochrome Night 09 Claw - Symetry (Paranoize Remix) se conseguires agarra .... :diabo:
  11. pedia um emprestimo e abria um coffeshop
  12. a partir um Pakistan ashe (até cheira a erva..) v.s Marrocan hot tea :weed: :stoned:
  13. ehehehe é engracado mas ta ai escrito k a maior parte das pessoas dp de verem as provas continuaum a pensar assim .....
  14. eu sinceramente penso k eles ainda na mandaraum nada pro mercado . ate mesmo o album k anda ai numca existiu na realidade foi lancado so na net por uma label completamente FAKE k se da pelo nome de Brainforest records :et: Peace
  15. só peco desculpa por o texto esta em ingles ... Take a look around you from where you sit.You will notice that everything in the room is `made`: the walls,the upholstery,the ceiling,the chair where you sit , the book you hold in your hand, the glass one the table and countless other details. None of them happen to exist in your room of their own accord .Even the simple loops of the carpet were made by someone: they did not appear spontaneously or by chance. A person who is about to read a book knows that it has been written by an author for a specific reason.It would not even occur to him that this might have come into being by chance. In the same manner a person who sees a sculpture has no doubt whatsoever that it was made by a sculptor.And not just works of art : even a few bricks resting on top of one another make one think that they must have been brought to rest just so by someone within a certain plan . Therefore, everywhere where there is an order -either small or big - a founder and protector of this order must also exist. If one day somebody came forward and said that raw iron and coal came together by chance , which in turn constucted the Eiffel Tower Again by chance , would not he and those who believed hi, be regarded as insane? The claim of the theory of evolution , the unique method of denying the existence of Allah , is no different than this .According to the theory ,inorganic molecules formed amino acids by chance , amino acids formed proteins by chance, and finally proteins formed living creatures again by chance. However the probability of a living creature being formed by coincidence is less than the probability of the Eiffel Tower being formed in the same manner , because even the simplest human cell is more sophisticated than any man-made structure in the world. How is it possible to think that the balance in the world came about by coincidence when the extraordinary harmony of nature is observable even with the naked eye ? It is the most unreasonable claim to say that the universe , each point of which suggests the existence of its Creator , has come into being on its own. Therefore, there should be an owner of the balance visible everywhere from our body to the farthest corners of incoceivably vast universe.So, Who is the Creator that ordained everything so subtly and created all? He cannot be any material being present within the universe ,becuse his must be a will that existed before the universe and created the universe thereupon . The Almighty Creator is One Whom everything finds existence , yet whose existence is whitout any beinnig or end. Religion teaches us the identity of our Creator whose existence we discover with our reason .Through what he has revealed to us as religion we know that he is Allah ,the Compassionate and the Merciful ,who created the heavens and the earth from nothing. Althoug most people have the capability to grasp this fact, they spend their lives unaware of it. When they look at a landscape painting , they wonder who its painter is. Later they praise the artist at length for this beautiful work of art. Despiste the fact that they face numerous originals of that painting the moment theu turn around , they still disregard the existence of Allah , Who is the only owner of all these beauties. In truth not even a lengthy research is needed to understand the existence of Allah. Even if one had to live in this room from the time he was born , countless pieces of evidence in this room alone would be enough for him to grasp the existence of Allah. The human body so overflows with evidence that it could not be contained in many multi-volumed encyclopaedias. Even giving a few minutes of conscientious thought to it all is eniugh to understand the existence of Allah. The present order is protected by Allah and maintained by Him. The human body is not the only food for thought . Life abides in every square millimetre of the earth , be it observable by men or not . The world overflows with many living beings , from unicellular organisms to plants , from insects to sea animals, and from birds to human beings . If you take a handfuk of soil and look at it , even therein you can discover manifold living creatures with diverse characteristics. The same is true also for the air you breath .Even on your skin , there are many living creatures whose names are unknow to you . In the intestines of all living beings are millions of bacteria or unicellular organisms that help digestion. The animal population in the world is many times greater than the human population . When we also cinsider the plant world , we see that there is not a single spot on earth where there is no life. All of thouse creatures that are spread over an area of millions of square km have diffrent body systems, diffrent lives and diffrent contributions to the ecological balance . It is preposterous to claim that all these have come into existence through its own accord or effort. No coincidental happening can ever result in such complicated systems. All this evidence leads us to the conclusion that the universe works with certain `consciousness`.What ,then , is the source of this consciousness? Surely it is neither the living or non-living beings in it .Nor can they be the ones that maintain the harmony and preserve the order .The existence and glory of Allah reveals itself in countless proofs in the universe . In fact there is not a sinlge man on the earth who will not accept this evident reality from heart. Yet they still deny it `in iniquity and arrogance though their souls are convinced thereof` as stated in the Quar`an .(Surat an-Naml,14) { surat ker dizer verso} This book (Allah know through reason) is wrutten to point out this reality from which some people turn away becuse of its being ar odds whit their interests , and also to disclose the frauds and senseless deductions on which some untrue allegations stand. This why many diverse subjects are tackled in the book . Thouse who read this book will once more see the indisputable evidence of Allah`s existence and witness that Allah`a existence encompasses all things : the `reason` knows this. Just as He has created this all-pervading order, He is the one who also maintains it incessantly. Este texto foi copiado do livre Allah know through reason , escrito por Harun Yahya , e publicado e distribuido por Al-Risala The Islamic Centre http://www.alrisala.org
  16. o meu Real name é FaBio FauVrelle dai o nick ser Bio_Vrelle ...
  17. eu digo k o homen foi kriado prefeito (e so o seu corpo é imperfeito) e o limite de cada um é onde ele bem entender ....
  18. so te posso dizer Parabens tribolik Posted on Jun 9 2005, 01:41 PM Deus ajuda aqueles que se ajudam a si próprios, hehehe nisso eu concordo deus na vai mudar nada em ti,sem tu mudares primeiro ...
  19. Jesus na era judeus nem eu sou catolico mas como eu ja disse podemos fikar a discutir este topico pra sempre porque na vamos chegar a nenhuma conclusao é um pouco a guerra k existe no medio oriente (entre polvora ,armas v.s pedras e paus ) kem será o vencedor ???
  20. o tempo o dira tribolik .... neste topico teem de levar a bicicleta k eu vou fikar com os pedais
  21. faz o k kiseres man its your life init .....
  22. (bio_vrelle @ Jun 8 2005, 04:28 PM) man eu sou das pessoas k so acredita nakilo k ve.... Parece-me um pouco incoerente este afirmação.....pelo que percebi acreditas que existe uma entidade superior (Deus), mas ainda não a viste, certo?. eita veijo todos os dias na natureza no tempo e até nos proprios seres humanos e divulgo porque é o k o profeta disse pra fazer podes rir podes chorar podes fazer o k kizeres mas um dia alguem te vai perguntar se na te avisaraum da existencia de Allah e tu vais ter k responder sim , agora se acreditas ou nao isso é ctg ... mas vamos pôr uma hipótese...e se Deus fosse como o catolicismo o pinta, benza-nos Deus, e todos aqueles que não acreditassem no deus católico fossem arder nos quintos dos infernos...como te ficarias tu a sentir ao saber que tinhas andado a apregoar um caminho falso que levou á destruição daqueles que o seguiram? Já pensaste na responsabilidade que é? Não terias tu que responder por todas as ovelhinhas perdidas? epa essa historia do e se... pra min nao faz muito sentido so porque se o meu avo na morrece ainda hoje era vivo... o catolicismo nasceu de uma falha humana ou seija de uma intrepertacao mal feita da messagen k jesus trouxe ha terra ... ainda te posso dizer k jesus é o profeta k vai voltar a terra no fim dos tempos pra repor esse mal entendido e acabar com os judeus tal e kual eles acabaraum com ele ....
  23. serão as provas, as evidências, os factos,e a fé k me faz acreditar
  24. man eu sou das pessoas k so acredita nakilo k ve....
  25. World Music Festival of Planet Art Network Live: Abandoned noise (Nabi records -MAC) Astroschnautzer (Wider Visions -FIN) Blisargon Demogorgon (Nabi records / Ketuh / Stone age rec. /Inpsyde media -MAC) Glookanary Express (RUS) Cosmo (Noise poison records / Food stopming records -DEN) CPC (Deja vu records / Space of Joy community -RUS) Derango (Stone age records -SWE) Dissociactive (Acidance records -RUS) Electrypnose (Devilsmind records -CH) Itaitaiko (Candyflip records -ISR) Kadasarva (Psyshine -UKR) Kindzadza (Insomnia records -RUS) Kiwa (Surreal audio -FIN) Luomuhappo (Freakdance records -FIN) Manifold (Deja vu records / Nexus media -RUS) Matutero (Devilsmind records. -GRE) Ocelot (Dropout productions -USA) Para Halu (Nabi records / Parvati records -HUN) Peacespect (Nabi records / Devilsmind records -SWE) Phobium (Stone age records / Devilsmind records -NOR) Puoskari (Freakdance records -FIN) Re-animator (Wider Visions -FIN) Samadhi (Shanti sound system -RUS) Sienis (Dreamtime recordings- SWE) SWA (Space of Joy community -RUS) Troll Scientists (Wider Visions -FIN) Unlive (Wider Visions -FIN) Vector Selector (Dropout productions -USA) Vishnudata (Space of Joy community -FIN) Zymosis (Psyshine -UKR) DJ's: Anar (Wider Visions / Space of Joy community -FIN) After (Omni / Shamanik -FRA) Becar (Insomnia records -RUS) Crystal Cris (Wider Visions -FIN) Cybered (Moonflower/Horns&Hoofs -RUS) DouG (Nabi-records - Chapora Tech -FRA) D.n.Able (Wider Visions -FIN) Dubrovski (Dissociactive -RUS) Ehm (Nabi records -FRA) Jarilo (Tripaganki -GER) Jirzij (Psybaba recordstore -HUN) Gavrila (RUS) Kayla (Deja vu records -RUS) Keerych (Space of Joy community -RUS) Kerberos (Quantika records/Pi circus -GRE/GRE) Liinad(Clocktail Monks -UKR) Marcus (Nabi records -FRA) Montezuma (Blisargon Demogorgon -MAC) MindWarp(Clocktail Monks -UKR) Next (Good Friends -RUS) Obi & Funghi (Trippy Hippies -HUN) Organoid (SkyVision pro -RUS) Orange (Shanti sound system -RUS) Oval (Vishnudata -FIN) Panoramix (Nabi records -FRA) Paul Yansky (Special people -RUS) Paya & Tsubi (Chemicaliens -HUN) Ritm (Devilsmind records -SWE) PhaseIN (RUS) Satori (Shanti sound system -RUS) StimuluS (Kagdila records -RUS) Stereomind (CPC Project -RUS) Sienis (Dreamtime recordings -SWE) Sulima (Manifold -RUS) Tim Duster (Elixiria -FIN) Tripaganki (Space of joy community -EARTH) Wega (SkyVision pro -RUS) Wizard (Deja vu records -RUS) Chill: Anar (Wider Visions / Space of joy community -FIN) Alienatix (Psyshine -UKR) Boroda (Space of joy community -RUS) Depth of Despire (ISR) D.n.Able (Wider Visions -FIN) Electrypnose (Devilsmind records -CH) Evilhippi (Freakdance records -FIN) Inka (Spiritualbeings -RUS) Keerych (Space of joy community -RUS) Kukan-Dub-Lagan (Candyflip recors -ISR) Little bird (Space of joy community -RUS) Mainio (Wider visions -FIN) Mamooshka (Wider Visions -FIN) Mikhelson (Space of joy community -RUS) Mikra (-RUS) Oval (Vishnudata -FIN) Sadohypnos (Good Friends -RUS) Soma (Wider Visions -FIN) Snow (Space of joy community -RUS) Unix (Good Friends -RUS) Ufolog (BK -RUS) Zymosis (Psyshine -UKR) Deco Flowers of life (Wider Visions -FIN) Paranormal Phenomena (Space of Joy community -RUS) Trootootoo (UKR) J.Lof (FIN) Hahmo (Visual systeemi -FIN) Maoloy (Space of Joy community -GER) G-look produkt (RUS) Psy object (RUS) Location: Russia, Coast of the Black sea, canyon in national reserve, Paradise. Entry fee: 14.04.05 - 30.04.05 36 euro (special offer-first 100 tickets 27 Euro) 01.05.05 - 31.05.05 39 euro 01.06.05 - 20.07.05 48 euro 15.07.07 - 59 euro Presales, request - spaceofjoy@yandex.ru Hotline: +79094452540 Organizer: Space of Joy Community Wider Vision & support Deja vu records www.dejavurecords.com Elixiria www.elixiria.com Infos * 23 - 24 July preparty!!!!!!! * Night dance floor (30 kw Mass Turbo Soundsystem) * Day time dance floor on the water * Chill out area * Feary theatre "Sun people" (Rus) * Health area: massage, meditation, yoga * Magic tea space * Wind surfing, kiting, boat trips, trips to sacral places * Childrens area * Teepee town * Visionary painting workshop - "The art of trance art" * Hosting by Finnish Artist J.Lof www.jlof.com The cultural spiritual center: lectures, discussions, practical employment on themes "Heritage of Maya", "Sacral heometry" etc...