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Everything posted by RPM_dark_raver

  1. 50 coisas que te poderiam fazer sorrir.. nao me lembro de nenhuma agora, ta assim tao mau..
  2. ya é verdade. ja tive a pensar em fazer um acordo com um tatuador que conheço pra ele mandar vir uns frascos de cores uv pra ver se pega por ca. talvez o pessoal adira quando virem uma ou duas tattoos ao vivo e a luz negra. espero que de resultado pk tambem quero fazer uma heheh
  3. ja ninguem aparece no elastik sem ser pra ver o topico do trance lol. open your minds ppl. coment other stuff, learn some more! lol
  4. inverdades? mas k raio de portugues faladrado é esse? tas em k zona do pais pra teres esse calao? ek no minimo é eskisito mas ya cada um com a sua linguagem boa ou má, certa ou errada, todos se expressao como sabem e podem heheh. venha droga pra kem a ker meter! fujam da realidade pessoal! o mundo vai acabar amanha. faço directa pra ver o fogo d artificio po grand finale. cumps
  5. é verdade!! eu ja tou a tentar encomendar umas tintas pra minha tatoo pk haver ha mas so nos states.. 240 dolars 18 frascos de cada com com meia onça cada acho eu.. deixo aqui o resumo em ingles: Blacklight UV Reactive Tattoo Inks First the Technical: BMXMETRIX System-1000 ("BMX1000™") Photonic Marking Formulation is "state-of-the-art", Safe Spectral Marking Pigment (SMP)™ that has been used since 1995 safely with absolutely NO adverse reactions. It consists of the highest quality dye encapsulated and inert microscopic beads suspended in ultra-clean proprietary solution. Referred to as "photonic tags or tattoos™" the marks are created by placing these inert particles in or beneath skin tissues. It has been carefully formulated to assure biocompatibility and safety, retention and ease of administration. Under ambient ("normal") light , photonic tattoos are normal in color, but when placed by UV ("black") light, it exhibits intense fluorescence. The ingredients of Chameleon UV Tattoo Inks: (PMMA) Polymethylmethacrylate 97.5% and microspheres of fluorescent dye 2.5% suspended in UV sterilized, distilled water with no preservatives or other additives. PMMA is used in familiar procedures as dental prostheses, bone repair, eye lenses, orthopedics and in pacemakers, and since 1947 when the first hip prosthesis was introduced. These microspheres are 4-5 times the size of a red blood cell and are well tolerated by human tissue (no rejection). More recently used in the treatment for erasing facial wrinkles. The UV Inks are used just like any other tattoo ink, though a UV Blacklight Should be used to check the ongoing work. According to our manufacturer's records, this ink received USFDA approval in 1995 for use in animals, plants and fish for the purpose of tracking migration, growth patterns; breeding habits etc. No other tattoo inks have received approval in this way. Many fisheries use this ink to "mark" the fish in oceans and the ones raised to stock rivers and ponds. One last note - hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children's hands have been stamped every day with fluorescent dyes for many years at major amusement parks, night clubs, and public events, with NO adverse reactions. Listed on the MSDS Sheet as you can read for your self. If you get the ink in your eyes, flush with water. View the Full Material Safety Data Sheet Here. Testing shows that the only way the dyes could break down was if the PMMA Beads were completely frozen (-10° Below Zero for extended periods of time), so if you are planning to use cryopreservation (freezing your body after death - hey, don't laugh, you wanted to know if it was safe) for any reason - UV reactive tattoos should be avoided. If they did break down, the dye would act like normal tattoo inks, and the glow under blacklight would be much less. The dyes are totally organic and biocompatible, non-carcinogenic, and MRI safe. You need a Blacklight to make the tattoo "GLOW". All the 17 colors show up in normal light. The 18th color UV Titanium White can be used on light skin tones to create virtually invisible tattoos - some light scaring may occur due to the tattooing process. See some the listings in the Professional Tattoo Studios for Black Light Tattoo Pictures Samples. How Well Does It Work A UV Tattoo MUST be done by an experienced Tattoo Artist. The inks do not "blend" together like normal tattoo inks, and they MUST be done under/in the presence of a UV Blacklight especially the White ink, which is virtually invisible on light skin tones in normal light. Most of the UV inks are not as "bright" as the normal tattoo inks we have today. If your looking for both a bright and colorful tattoo that is also intense under Blacklights, we recommend getting the bright tattoo colors first and letting it heal completely (UV ink and regular tattoo inks do not mix). Then, highlight, or accent the tattoo with the UV inks. The results are stunning! Cost Of A UV Tattoo Do expect to pay a bit more for them. Mainly, there are two reasons for this increase. 1) UV ink is much more expensive than standard tattoo ink. Here is an example: A 2 ounce bottle of standard tattoo ink costs $10.00 - $12.00. The same size bottle of UV Ink costs $20.00. 2) They usually require more time to do than a regular tattoo. Its been our experience that since the ink is thinner, it can be more difficult to work with and constant checking with a black light can make tattooing time run longer. We sell very small ink sizes that you can take your ink to a professional tattooist, and we only sell larger ink quantities to Shops and Professionals. Under no circumstances should you be using this or any tattoo supplies if you are not in the Tattoo Trade. Even highly skilled professional tattooists of many years agree that the "UV ink takes more time to work with to get desired results." This Ink is definitely not for the untrained. If you are offered a UV Blacklight Tattoo and the studio does not have a Good UV Blacklight within arms reach, do not do it. The artist will NEED to check his/her work UV Blacklight often! If working with White UV INK - the light should be on all the time. UV sources should be UV-A, preferably 345-400 nM. Lamps sold for entertainment purposes usually fall into the safe area. They should be specifically marked, "Black Light". Avoid UV lamps designed for germicidal or other purposes. acho que ta tudo por isso deixo umas fotos tambem: deem a vossa opiniao. cumps
  6. tou a ver k vou ter k acalmar nos filmes por sms´s lol. um dia ate podem ver quantas vezes dobramos o papel antes de limpar o cu e em que direcçao.. em vez de aumentarem os policias contra os homicidios e assaltos... nao.... aumenta o numero de policias sentados a frente dum pc a ver a vida dum gajo por causa dumas sms´s... eit..
  7. epa eu sou excelente na cama!!!! consigo durmir durante dias
  8. afinal nao sou o unico aki nesta altura a fazer anos lol. ribenta a feta! venha dark como eu gosto pra depois o full-on entrar bem. sem dark nao ha vontade po full-on lol
  9. em principio tou la pk faço anos a 23 de novembro heheh. se me quiserem por um desconto na pulseira levo a escumalha toda heheh. abraço e boa sorte pra festa PS: se quiserem contactar mandem pm heheh
  10. festival»»»»»»»» menos dois anos de vida a longo prazo
  11. looll aki ta o tal pano k curti bue... akele a esquerda com os tres olhos.. e a telefonia tava em altas! boa free sim senhore. venham mais pa gente la tar cumps
  12. kuando xeguei a festa reparei logo na decoraçao. tava altamente.. varios panos de por inveja especialmente akele dos tres olhos. gostei da ideias de se devolvessemos uma garrafa vasia na compra de outra no bar ficava mais barato heheh. golinoids.. so apanhei o fim do vosso live mas parecia poderoso foi pena. shappas.... eskece xD killer machine curti bue. tambem tenho pena de nao ter sido depois de golinoids pk tive de basar a meio :/ mas o som tava 5 estrelas killer. foi a primeira festa do concelho que me chamou a atençao mesmo. continuem a faze-las sempre com boa imaginaçao pa deco. cumps
  13. coincidencia ou nao, sempre gostei de bpm´s altos