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Sérgio Walgood

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Everything posted by Sérgio Walgood

  1. sory! não é costume meu alimentar este tipo de coisas... mas as vezes é dificil. foi o meu ultimo off topic aqui Desejo sinceramente que corra tudo bem com a festa! cheers
  2. o que se passa entre ti e o vicente e as vossas picardias nao me dizem respeito. sao assuntos pessoais e invividuais dos quais eu não tenho nada a ver. Já não é a primeira vez que te vejo a meter o meu projecto à conversa. isso demonstra má fé de tua parte visto que o vicente é um assunto e random mode é outro. O facto de teres desavenças com o vicente nao te da o direito de me difamares e de falares mal do meu trabalho.
  3. Claro, referi esta Sexta por ser um dia especial made in d-djance records ! Não quero de forma alguma menosprezar os restantes artistas do resto do mês que têm também grande qualidade :)Forte abraço também para ti John !!! Vais Abhay? ...bem o Vicente esta na dele ate: Pelo que vejo aqui, a coisa começou a descambar porque o digital picou o vicente ja a saber ele ia ferver... Ja agr digital.. Nunca me viste falar mal em publico e de boca cheia dos teus projectos por isso ve la se me respeitas! para la de difamar um projecto que tb é meu e do qual me orgulho bastante!
  4. Viva! Comecei esta musica à dias e curtia de ouvir umas opiniões para ajudar no processo. Vou mudar muita coisa nela. Não tenho a certeza em relação a alguns sons que meti. Timeshift Lapse Thanks
  5. Sérgio Walgood

    BOOM 2010

    Vais buscar Vicente, grande noticia Muitos parabens para ti e para o Sergio. Vou lá estar na linha da frente ohh yeahh!! parabéns Sérgio!! pode ser que comecem a dar-te a atenção que bem mereces! és um grande compositor! Obrigado amigo!! =D
  6. Sérgio Walgood

    BOOM 2010

    Vais buscar Vicente, grande noticia Muitos parabens para ti e para o Sergio. Vou lá estar na linha da frente ohh yeahh!!
  7. Não é propriamente novidade mas aqui vai: Max for Live Max for Live puts the power and potential of Max/MSP inside Live. Create all the instruments, effects and extensions you've ever wanted. Go beyond the common and predictable, and transcend the limits that conventional tools impose. Build completely unique synths and effects, create algorithmic composition tools, or fuse Live and controller hardware into radical, new music machines. Join a society of makers and share ingenuity. Get Max for Live now. Max for Live was co-developed by Ableton and Cycling '74. What it is Basically, Max for Live is a tool kit for making new devices. Think of a diverse and comprehensive set of building blocks that you can use to build pretty much anything you can think of. These building blocks include basic objects such as "+", audio elements such as filters and oscillators, user interface objects, and a set of objects that regulate access to Live and hardware devices. Max for Live also provides a canvas where you can place and connect these objects with virtual wires. Flowing through these wires are audio, MIDI or video signals, or any other kind of data. Max is essentially a visual programming environment where you build courses or tracks for these signals to run through. You can build new devices from scratch, modify existing ones or simply use devices that others have made. Max for Live includes several ingenious example devices and plenty of tutorials to take you from using to tweaking, and then to building. Push the button The edit button included on every Max for Live device may be small, but there's some big stuff behind it. Click to open up the device and delve inside, where you can edit, add controls, modify the signal flow and configure as much or as little as you want. While you're editing, your track keeps playing and you hear the changes you're making in real time. Interface friendly Devices made with Max for Live are perfectly integrated into Live's workflow and user interface. You can manage Max devices just like Ableton devices, save presets or using automation and mapping just as you do now. The tool set provides user interface elements straight out of Live for an Ableton-like look and feel, but you also have the freedom to create new and unique interfaces using the extensive set of Max 5 user interface elements. Interface friendly Devices made with Max for Live are perfectly integrated into Live's workflow and user interface. You can manage Max devices just like Ableton devices, save presets or using automation and mapping just as you do now. The tool set provides user interface elements straight out of Live for an Ableton-like look and feel, but you also have the freedom to create new and unique interfaces using the extensive set of Max 5 user interface elements. object_palette Official Live API Max for Live also provides objects that allow you to access and modify the inner workings of Live. Modify the tracks, clips, notes, names and values, selection states—and pretty much anything else you can see or hear in Live. This API also allows you to access controller hardware via Live, creating new mappings that can completely repurpose a hardware device. Even if you don't know what an API is, you can still use devices that other people have built and apply them to your Live setup. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAtHOxJl6cM Here's something we made earlier... So what kinds of things can you make with Max for Live? Here are some examples of ready-made devices from Max for Live: 1. Step Sequencer Live users have been asking us for a step sequencer for some time. Now it's here, with some powerful features and added tweaking potential. Step Sequencer can play up to four concurrent sequences, each with up to 16 steps. It also features adjustable step size and step probability, sequence shift buttons (up, down, left, right), a "random" mode and comprehensive real-time MIDI options. This device is a fine example of what is ultimately possible with Max for Live. See it in action in the movie at the top of this page. 2. Buffer Shuffler This audio effect "shuffles" incoming audio by buffering the audio, then replaying it in whatever order you've specified. Each channel of the stereo signal can be shuffled with different patterns (unlike Beat Repeat) and there is also a "dice" mode that randomizes the shuffle pattern at each bar crossing. Finally, a smoothing setting limits the amount of clicking at each transition point. Use sensibly to add subtle variations or go full-on to see where it takes you. 3. Loop Shifter This instrument is essentially a creative loop playback device that generates some surprising and innovative results. If there was ever a "sound of Max," this device embodies it. It uses MIDI notes as triggers for playback states, each MIDI note representing one such "state": a combination of playback rate, loop points and filter settings. Although the Loop Shifter is a relatively simple device, these functions don't exist yet in any other commercial loop playback product. The Loop Shifter uses a "morphing" transition between states, an auto-mapping system and an "auto-play" mode that randomly chooses MIDI notes for automatic state selection. 4. Pluggo for Live In addition to the new devices mentioned above, Max for Live comes with more than 40 devices from the Pluggo collection. These include audio effects and instruments, all re-built and optimized for use within Live. 5. Tools, building blocks and tutorials 20 new MIDI and audio effects, ranging from common studio utilities like graphic EQs to creative MIDI utilities such as humanizers. Additionally, we've provided more than 20 simple tools called "Building Blocks." These are an excellent introduction to Max programming and have all been carefully annotated to help you learn how they were made. Learning curves and tutorials Nobody can claim that programming with Max is easy: There is an unavoidable learning curve involved with any kind of programming. So, yes, it can get complex, but it's worth it. Max's visual approach is a lot easier to get into than traditional programming, especially because you can immediately see and hear the effects of your changes. Max for Live also includes a number of in-depth tutorials, each with its own reusable example content. The tutorials guide you through Max for Live, from the first basic steps to the advanced, ninja-style stuff. They'll help you find your level and provide support and examples as your skills develop. Attention Max users! The equation works both ways: If you already own Max, Max for Live provides straightforward tools for controlling Live from your Max environment. Maybe you want to exploit Live's timeline, or work some magic with the Session View—it's up to you. If you own Max 5, this will be your editing environment when you open up a Max for Live device. Please note, though, that Max for Live doesn't include a version of Live. http://www.ableton.com/extend http://cycling74.com/ http://www.maxforlive.com http://www.max4live.info
  8. Acredita!! Fui ve-lo ontem e fiquei pasmado!! que experiencia!
  9. Acredita! tb curtia ter estado na sexta =) ouvi dizer que correu mt fixe! a ver se numa proxima nos calha tocar lá na mesma noite =D O album esta mesmo mesmo quase =D estou nesnte momento nas mariquices finais a afinar tudo ao promenor eheheh Abração!
  10. Mas que noite deliciosa!! adorei a experiencia e especialmente o convivio! Obrigado pla exelente recepção! foi sem duvida uma noite memoravel a repetir! =) Grande abraço!
  11. Podes crer brunão!! e mais, tenho montes de orgulho em fazer parte desta minoria! somos poucos mas ainda existimos para fazer a diferença e quem sabe tirar essa realidade do esquecimento!
  12. Muito bom post! revejo-me completamente aí, no entanto sinto um misto de saudade e tristeza. Onde andam as festas assim? onde anda este espírito? hoje em sinto um pouco o inverso "dança como se ninguém estivesse a olhar mas está tudo a olhar para o lado" Temos que reeducar estas mentes.
  13. Já há algum tempo que não toco Chillout ao vivo. Vai ser um prazer voltar a faze-lo neste espaço! Vou preparar um live especial!
  14. Mas que grande noite!!! curti todos os momentos! foi praí o live que nos correu melhor a nível de actuação improviso e disposição!!! Obrigado a todos por esta noite!
  15. ui =( esta um pouco puxado para o meu bolso desempregado. Janto em casa e vou la ter pó café com a sofia
  16. epa! bla bla bla bla bla! o grande virus aqui é a tv a estupidificar e a escravizar as pessoas com a puta da falsa democracia num mundo capitalista egoísta e escravizado! seja la o que for, a verdade é que tudo isto esta a gerar um negócio brutal
  17. contem cmg pa janta tb =D fico é de costas pá tv ok?
  18. Moving from the studio to live performance using Ableton Live Os meus já estão todos nestes parâmetros =D Vejam isso que vale bem a pena, este produtor tem montes de tutorials preciosos no youtube
  19. BANCO DE GAIA - Last Train To Lhasa - Kincajou (Duck! Asteroid)!!!!!!!!!
  20. pois pá, também esta a espera de melhor. há uma ou outra que se destaca de alguma forma, mas no geral achei muito repetitivo. Acho que a atenção foi toda para a parte técnica e esqueceram-se que a musica não é só técnica. ...hoje em dia nota-se muito esta tendência, parece que estão a jogar um jogo tipo street fighter a ver quem é que faz mais Hadokens
  21. ps: Almada ainda tem alto movimento! não estava a espera
  22. Gostei de la estar, é sem duvidas uma experiência a repetir em breve!! =D
  23. bora lá! traz a guitarra que o resto são particularidades dum momento irrepetível !!! afinal tb vou tocar nesse dia em lisboa =(