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XaMã CirKus aKa. ay-ash

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Everything posted by XaMã CirKus aKa. ay-ash

  1. Top 10 AlienMentaVS kDzaDza - Space Species Freaks of Nature - Broken Brain Savage Scream – Don’t Care Phobos Azazel – Existing Baal - Strawberry Chocolate Sonik Scizzor - My Mechanical Masterpiece Baphomet VS FarEastGhost - NN D-Fragmental - L'ombre Fantôme PolyHorror - Left Right EniChkin - Dreams and Stars DAnce Until You Fight Your Fears
  2. Pra todos os elastikus Optimo NATAL kom grande ambienxia e ajudem kem as x nesta altura nao é ajudado. ( pratikem todo ano ) E feliz passagem de ano Até breveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Xamã cirkus ( offline ) *pausa elastika
  3. Lixo k lixo ? tem k aprender a respeitar os estilos e gostos das pessoas sem lhes atribuires nomes ou desapontamentos. ja m viste a faxer o mesmo aos estilos k eu nao ouço ou nao me se enkaixao kom os meus gostos ? Anjuna juizooo e falta t muito PLUR !!! Peace & Boom
  4. LOL entao amigos voxes enganam xe eu vou a festa mas nao vou abrir burakos nos floor !! vou sim abrir o kako pra outros ambientes e formas de ver amusika psykadelika ( saime bem ) CHILL In ZOn3 !!! www.ajana-records.com
  5. kuando o vires nao digo.. mas kuando o OUVIR3s !!!!
  6. Tem de ser bolo de bolacha..!! Não há melhor... nham.... bota uma fatia aqui para a mesa 2 por favor! YApa pode ser é killa tb kero e sai barato se fores a CU-É-TÁRA !!! ja vi k andam todos a trabalhar pro mesmo..l FAZ parte tudo da ORG? hiHIhiHIhi tb kero !!!
  7. sim o melhor será o pll atirar se mesmo a agua.. pois ha kem nao aguenteeeeeeeeeeee!!!! eu ajudo a faxer mochxii no floor se alguem meter som pr aisso..!!!.. kuidado eles andam ai!!!
  8. TU? ver alguem..? huAUHAUahUAhuaAUhaUHAuha xo m faxees ririiii axo k nao konegues ver ninguemm... keres um EXEMPLO???? JA ME VISTE ALGUMA X? hAuaHUAhuHAUahUAHuHUauAHuAHUaHUahua
  9. se eu sou pior que uma duzia de mulheres juntas por isso, imagino o que não será alguem que abra o mesmo tópico duas vezes em dois locais diferentes do forum Amovos muitoooo!!!! *tb tenho drt
  10. anjuna tas kuase em moderador... muito vago esse topikU !!!! forxa amigo.. tu klonsegues..e eu sou um maluko ... mas as x apetexe me !! Thanks
  11. Goblino kero news about !!!! se esta´tudo tratado e kom andamentooo.... pra komexar a faxer o line up... VAi ser soment VS musik !!!
  12. ...reinas parecendo um caracollllll caracolll ou não Xupa Xups eis a kestão || dance musik é pro festão ||
  13. hauhuHuhauHuhaUhuAHuhAUhaUHuahuahUhauHuhauhuahUhau MOMENTO unikuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!! :lol2:
  14. Boas ElastikUs Kual pra ti a melhor festa do ano 2006
  15. BOAs elastikus Kual pra ti o album do ano 2006
  16. BOas elastikus Kual pra ti a musika do ano de 2006
  17. A Tale of These Times. Pollution Violence Technology is the long due, debut album by JellyHeadz. Geniously structured, the progression of the album unfolds as does a story book, a legend intervowen by sonic frequencies. Demarkative of the particular JellyHeadz style, the entire album maintains steady pace at 154 BPM, resounding with psychedelic soundscapes. Each track is a mood in its own right, holding sway over the emotions with strong bass lines and layers that open the eye to the visual aspect of what the sound weaves. 01- for life 02 - fib 03 - political gang 04 - pollution violence technology 05 - h5n1 06 - invisible collonisation 07 - argonauts 08 - deconstructor 09 - cryminal
  18. Until the sun rises to burn my eyes... Revealing the distorted reality of my world... Traveling into the deepest thoughts of my mind... I've got to explore the dark paths of my heart... To find my deepest fears... Destination of my life... Exploding Madness!!! Saltos Iraklis aka Narcosis was born in Athens - Greece on June 1984. From a child he learn music in a music school in Cyprus when he live there for some years. In 1996 he tried to learn some simple softwares programs to produse music. And after some years he learned fl-studio, Reason, Cubase and finally at the end of 2004 Nuendo! He studied Music Technology and Sound Engineer in a College in Athens. He played for the 1st time as a dj in 1998 in Athens. Doing he's own parties as a promoter with "Paranormal Research" from 1998 till today he is trying to support the local scene in Greece. 01 - exploding madness (intro) 02 - brain modulation 03 - overdose 04 - confused minds 05 - tost 06 - psychological terror 07 - beast's sadness 08 - paranormal (NARCOSIS vs. NOM) 09 - cosmic fear (NARCOSIS vs. SOFIAX) 10 - 5IPS1S - rats on acid (NARCOSIS & CYMAZZ)
  19. Manic Dragon Records is proud the present the 2nd full length solo album by CPC aka Vladislav Radostavin, born on the 1st of May, 1977, in Russia. In 1992 Vlad began programming Z80 based computers and soon he started writing electronic music for video games of the day. In 1998 began DJing and in 2000 started composing electronic music professionally. Apart from CPC, Vlad also composes music for the movie and advertising industries. In 2002 Vlad began working in the Moscow studios of pioneering dark psy-trance label Deja Vu Records, which culminated in the release of the first CPC album on Deja Vu in 2005 "Uber Den Angst" along with solo tracks on 3 Deja Vu compilations. CPC has now become one of the most respected and in-demand dark psy-trance producers, having been featured on compilations from Insomnia (Potatogun), Manic Dragon (Inner Panic) and The Vision (Soviet Vision) as well as collaborating with top producers Terminator, Jelly Headz, Kindzadza and Para Halu for other compilations by Deja Vu, Manic Dragon and Insomnia. 01 - boom tequila 02 - yamaas 03 - balamut 04 - squeezer 05 - kleika 06 - manipulation 07 - H2S04 08 - videohorror 09 - zolod's requiem forListen@Clikar