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Everything posted by lightsphere

  1. Uma empresa destas também eu fazia.... Donald Rumsfeld makes $5m killing on bird flu drug 2006-03-12, Independent (one of the UK's leading newspapers) http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americ...ticle350787.ece The US Defence Secretary has made more than $5m (£2.9m) in capital gains from selling shares in the biotechnology firm that discovered and developed Tamiflu, the drug being bought in massive amounts by Governments to treat a possible human pandemic of the disease. More than 60 countries have so far ordered large stocks of the antiviral medication - the only oral medicine believed to be effective against the deadly H5N1 strain of the disease - to try to protect their people. The United Nations estimates that a pandemic could kill 150 million people worldwide. The drug was developed by a Californian biotech company, Gilead Sciences. Mr Rumsfeld was on the board of Gilead from 1988 to 2001, and was its chairman from 1997. He then left to join the Bush administration, but retained a huge shareholding. The 2005 report showed that, in all, he owned shares worth up to $95.9m, from which he got an income of up to $13m. The firm made a loss in 2003, the year before concern about bird flu started. Then revenues from Tamiflu almost quadrupled, to $44.6m, helping put the company well into the black. Sales almost quadrupled again, to $161.6m last year. Doctor says bird flu drug is ‘useless’ 2005-12-04, London Times http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2091-1903144,00.html A Vietnamese doctor who has treated dozens of victims of avian flu claims the drug being stockpiled around the world to combat a pandemic is 'useless' against the virus. Dr Nguyen Tuong Van runs the intensive care unit at the Centre for Tropical Diseases in Hanoi and has treated 41 victims of H5N1. Van followed World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines and gave her patients Tamiflu, but concluded it had no effect. 'We place no importance on using this drug on our patients,' she said. 'Tamiflu is really only meant for treating ordinary type A flu. It was not designed to combat H5N1 . . . (Tamiflu) is useless.' Roche, the company that makes Tamiflu, has sold stockpiles of the drug to 40 countries and insists there is clear evidence it will protect against a future flu virus. However, it stresses the drug must be given within 48 hours to be effective. The WHO admitted Tamiflu had not been widely successful in humans. 'However, we believe in many Asian countries it hasn't been used until late in the illness,' a spokesman said. realidade ou ilusão? realidade as duas, ou quais das duas reais ? Desculpem vos fazer ler tanto ;-) Tiago Eu também quero acreditar que rir faz bem à saúde, mas: Exposed: the secret corporate funding behind health research 2006-02-07, The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers) http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,,1703694,00.html Academics and the media have failed dismally to ask the crucial question of scientists' claims: who is paying you? In the 1990s...[Arise] was one of the world's most influential public-health groups. It described itself as "a worldwide association of eminent scientists who act as independent commentators". Its purpose...was to show how "everyday pleasures, such as eating chocolate, smoking, drinking tea, coffee and alcohol, contribute to the quality of life". "Scientific studies show that enjoying the simple pleasures in life, without feeling guilty, can reduce stress and increase resistance to disease". Between September 1993 and March 1994,...[Arise] generated 195 newspaper articles and radio and television interviews, in places such as the Wall Street Journal, the International Herald Tribune, the Independent, the Evening Standard, El País, La Repubblica, Rai and the BBC. In 1998...[tobacco] firms were obliged to place their internal documents in a public archive. Among them...is a memo from...Philip Morris - the world's largest tobacco company. The title is "Arise 1994-95 Activities and Funding". This showed that in the previous financial year Arise had received $373,400: ...over 99% - from Philip Morris, British American Tobacco, RJ Reynolds and Rothmans. The memo suggests Arise was run not by eminent scientists but by eminent tobacco companies. How much more science is being published in academic journals with undeclared interests like these? How many more media campaigns...have been secretly funded and steered by corporations? realidade ou ilusão? Tiago
  2. Não sei, sei é que de um forma ou de outra somos todos o mesmo... Mas somos pelo menos colectivamente ignorantes O que é que interessa preocuparmo-nos com as pessoas que vivem do outro lado do mundo? Só temos mas é de esperar que elas nos façam o que nós lhes fizemos... "Contracção da realidade, descontracção da realidade" Tiago
  3. A Explicação está no post 118. Basicamente são o oposto, criados pelas mesmas pessoas. a fictícia liberdade individual vs o que ficticiamente alcançamos colectivamente. Tiago
  4. antes de mais têm que ver o que aconteceu em Timor... (como exemplo do que aconteceu em todo o mundo) Depois talvez as coisas façam sentido http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9...;q=pilger+timor só depois ... ... tentem perceber por vocês próprios... tudo muda, mas para o mesmo como a luta entre o comunismo e o fascismo serviu para justificar tudo. Até a ignorância Tiago
  5. o Hitler era um pequeno psicopata que foi transformado num maior, mas o Hitler não pode entrar na compreensão das pessoas 50 anos depois. Ele foi obrigado a fazer o que fez, o que fez é na realidade desconhecido na historia, e depois foi posto a baixo quando deixou de fazer o que lhe mandavam. O Salazar salvou o povo Português de muito, muito MUITO PIOR. Tiago
  6. E tenho um milhão de ideias mesmo sem ter a certeza de nada. A Ideia é simplesmente a sugestão de fazer um fórum democrático... Muitas pessoas criticam a forma como a democracia funciona. Mas não são os poucos que têm tempo para estudar o que realmente se passa que vão mudar o que é que seja! Com toda a gente a dormir vamos mas é ser presos -( nós os poucos ) como sempre. Que se lixe, por favor tb não obrigo ninguém a responder ou dizer alguma coisa no meu tema. Tipo "ou dizem alguma coisa ou chamo-vos asneiras a todos" Foi só uma sugestão Fórum nacional democrático, o moderador sou eu nem sou de esquerda nem de direita, nem sequer de centro, nem de cima, de baixo,..... apenas dou a minha ideia como qualquer outro ... Ideia a ideia. Será que era obrigado a fazer censura ? Não sei, nem sequer sei se era competente para essa ideia, o que eu sei é que ia haver muita gente a tentar destruir o que eu fizesse.... Fazer as coisas simplesmente bem - é o que é necessário Tiago
  7. Eu sugeri uma ideia nova... a democracia é ir trabalhar ligar a televisão para ver o telejornal e ir votar nuns ou nos mesmos, o que eu sujeria é que as pessoas não se limitassem ao seu papel de espectadores e dessem ideias e as discutissem. A democracia - " reino pelo povo " é uma boa ideia mas na prática funciona como a liberdade e a democracia que o G walker bush implantou no iraque e tb quer implementar no irão. Eu pessoalmente tenho a certeza que as pessoas que podiam melhorar (pelo menos fazer para de piorar) a situação do pais não estão na politica. Eles estão por ai ou até noutro pais e são portugueses. com a net podiamos juntar-nos todos e fazer algo mesmo grande. Ou simplesmente pelo menos auditarmos os actos do governo em conjunto em vez de lermos os jornais a dizer mal de x para vender publicidade. Uma coisa é certa, eu tenho que fazer alguma coisa. Não quero ouvir palhaçadas a vida toda. Exemplo - Se o Sr. José Socrates não é engenheiro porque era um aluno mediano, não tinha tempo para fazer as cadeiras e conseguiu o seu titulo a troca de um emprego ao senhor que assinou o seu diploma. o que é isto~' - quer dizer isto transforma-se qualquer pessoa num politico... Este senhor é primeiro ministro porque foi posto a dar opinião no fim do telejornal de domingo porra pessoas sem personalidade parecem cassetes a falar.... eu fico doido
  8. Hehe ainda sou o mais velhinho nisto Comecei com o Rebirth TechnoBox RB338 v1.0 aqui a 2.0 http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/nov98/arti...h.htm?print=yes Usei só por experiencia Fruity loops, reaktor, audio mulch, arturia storm, orion pro... Agora uso Reason + Nuendo 3 + plug ins Comecei aos 14, só entrei dentro da cena aos 19 e ainda não estou lá Nota: Não sou do trance.... tasse Porraaa 100 anos para aprender alguma coisa Passem por: http://lightsphere.pt.vu/ Tiago
  9. Isto é só a minha opinião. Para qualquer outra pessoa pode ter um efeito diferente. O que acontece é que se vier de uma festa com uma ideia posso chegar a casa e ainda conseguir fazer alguma coisa porreira, embora o cansaço não deixe continuar a trabalhar por muito tempo. O que acontece é que quando acordo e vou ouvir a musica ela parecia-me mais fixe ontem do que hoje! Comigo funciona pouco. A inspiração não vem exactamente quando queremos! ela vai aparecendo. Tiago
  10. Que preguiça mental 1+1=2 =»concluído Tou chateado com voces Não sabem nada Tiago
  11. Se votar esquerda ou direita decide alguma coisa Porra desisto deste tópico, quanto à evolução humana ainda ontem tive o dia todo ao sol e hoje estou com os braços todos vermelhos... se não morrermos assados morremos congelados Tiago
  12. E se a democracia se torna-se realidade? SE AS PESSOAS DECIDISSEM? Se elas discutissem as ideias de formas alargadas? Se deixasem de haver politicos profissionais (actores) e passasem a ser cada um de nós? Se as pessoas se juntassem para construir a sociedade idealmente - em vez de só porem o "tijolo" no sitio ditado por alguem? Se se formassem forums regionais onde toda a gente participava? Tiago
  13. Mas não explica isso muita coisa? Que afinal somos diferentes das maquinas que a sociedade diz que somos, ou sera que só passa a ser verdade se aparecer na tv. Tudo é diferente, cada um podia passar a vida toda a descobrir coisas novas, para no fim descobrirmos que descobrimos o mesmo. Somos mesmo diferente do que nos dizem. AS decisões deviam ser tomadas pelas pessoas. Temos a internet, todos podemos dar ideias. Temos que fazer todos um bocado do essencial. Como é que chegamos a um ponto tão critico, que mais parece que tudo o que nos limita é o dinheiro? Libertar a imaginação, fazer tudo o que fazemos muito melhor Tiago
  14. O fabrico da consciência social Desilusão - porquê uma palavra negativa - significa sair da ilusão. O problema não é o eu - é o eu especial. - You are special, you are going to the island. Não há nada que aconteça para além do que tu ves. Não te preocupes nós temos pessoas muito inteligentes a tratar disso Nem sequer há a possibilidade de ser o contrario A sociedade da sabedoria e do prazer paranoia? How things change Tiago http://lightsphere.pt.vu/
  15. A masterização que na realidade é a pre-masterização (masterização é passar a musica para o disco) consiste maior parte das vezes em corrigir o balanço entre as frequências e aumentar o "low level" da musica com uma compressão de baixo ratio a partir de um nivel baixo -40Db ou perto. Para melhor efeito convem que tenham um compressor daqueles de 1000 contos para cima :-) Para dizer mesmo o que penso o mais importante é mesmo a mistura, a masterização não vai fazer nenhum milagre e simplesmente há quem goste menos de alguns tracks depois de masterizados. Basicamente é a compressão final com um ligeiro aumento no "woofing tone" 50-70Hz para ter o som cinema:-) e ligeira excitação dos agudos. Bem é um bocado mais complicado mas podem ir aos sites do ingleses, tirar as demos deles de masterização com normal e masterizado, fazer a vossa propria masterização e comparar. Para mim não deve haver nada tão bom como um bom compressoar de valvulas para uma cassete analogica. Sinceramente , masterizações digitais para mim - só para musicas mais simples. Quanto as ferramentas experimentem... e usem o que soar melhor um exemplo http://www.har-bal.com/mastering_process.php Leiam o livro do Bob katz mas antes leiam este sobre mistura: Mix Pro Audio Series - The Mixing Engineers Handbook pass:promixaudio http://download.yousendit.com/F66841130F0638DD
  16. Tá fixe mas ouve esta Mean Machine Driving me nuts, bolts, screws I got the blues from paying dues for programmed news of honeycoated lies your eyes can't believe That weave the Devil's magic with the latest gadget from the Mean Machine A'running the Same Game with Another name. Down to your brain. Blowing your mind. Stealing your time. Smooth and slick with the latest trick to get rich quick from nonsense at your mind's expense as your mind digs the scene from the Mean Machine designed to drive your brain insane. Loudspeakers blasting inside your head saying what someone else said for you to do what they want you to. No. Go. Fast. Slow. Getting you high off the latest lie. Telling you when, where, how and why as you mind digs the scene from the Mean Machine. A'running the Same Game With Another Name. Factories of insanity playing on your vanity as they distort your sense of self. Telling you what you need and how to succeed as they steal all of your wealth. Probing your mind trying to find how to scheme on you best. From programmed schools with Devilish rules putting you to the test. Death dealing devices sold at high prices designed with you in mind to buy as they kill you slow. And some of ya'll don't even know y'all paying the Machine to die. Mechanized lies dressed up in disguise in forms of various kinds. Treachery and deceit the people must defeat in the battle for free men's minds. For complete domination is the goal of this nation of all free thinking thought and those who oppose will be killed by their forces, the flunkies whose souls have been bought. Transplants to revive the living dead replacing the truth with lies instead. Newspapers, radios, T.V.'s spreading the lies across the seven seas. Robot men with computers for brains. Spaces ships cars trains and planes. All calculated to blow your mind. Moving faster than your sense of time. Living luxuriously soft while the people slave hard. For the devil would have you believe he is God. Chemical drugs that keep you high while the Mean Machine creates another lie for power and glory and world wide fame while Running the Same Game with Another Name. It's a computer's equation for worldwide invasion that comes in the name of peace and goodwill. But all of them are lying as they keep on trying to set the people up for the kill. Population control of the people with soul all over the planet Earth. Manipulating their will with a tiny white pill to control their natural birth. Behind the scene schemes furthering the Mean Machine's dreams of conquest and world domination from the farthest depths of the universe to the smallest earthly nation. Radar, Sonar, Laser beams! Jets, Tanks, Submarines! Megathons, H-Bombs, Napalm Gas! All this shit will kill you fast. All products of the Mean Machine. The Devil disguised as a human being. And he will even preach that God is dead. And some of ya'll will believe what the Devil has said. And he will then act as the world's police. And the sun will rise up in the West and set down in the East. And when it came time for the end ... And when it came time for the end ... And when it came time for the end ... The men will look like women and the women like men. And some will dance in a hypnotic trance like as if they have no care. But these will be signs of the changing times that the end is drawing near. For it was prophesized many centuries past that the end will come in a fiery holocaust and only the righteous people with survive the blast and the Devil's machine will bring about his own end and peace, love and joy will reign once again. and man will understand, man and man will understand, man and man will understand, man and man will understand, man and man will understand, man and man will understand, man and man will understand and live in harmony and peace and the sun will once again rise up in the East. http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a38a37f8463cb.htm
  17. O meu conselho são os Behringer B2031 A Tenho-os há 2 anos, não tenho nada de mal a dizer Tem um som claro, compacto e aberto - muito fixe para ouvir nirvana impecáveis 90% dos makies por 30% do preço aqui http://www.plasticsounds.com/store/?produtos.detalhes.591 por exemplo o par custa 423.26 euros Incrível pensar que os comprei por 315€ Tiago http://lightsphere.pt.vu/
  18. Sobre o símbolo nazi: The word "swastika" is of Hindu origin. As noted in the other posting the Germans used the word "HakenKruez" (twisted cross). The swastika is an ancient East Indian symbol and was to promote good luck. The symbol is still in use today in that culture. There are even some evidence that indignous peoples of the Americas used it also. The symbol was en vogue and being used by several European groups in the early 1920's, e.g. Finland (Coca-cola even had a poster that depicted it). The Germans adopted it as the symbol of the Nazi party movement, and forever corrupted it as a symbol of evil and man's inhumanity. Tiago
  19. o que é que as cores têm de diferente do resto? Nada - é como um som que não consegues ouvir! Mas não é por não veres a cor que não a sentes! Mais, como é que podes descrever uma cor? O que tu podes é descrever um objecto com uma cor, que tem sempre uma textura, curvas que criam variação na luz reflectida.... que pode estar húmida naturalmente e.... Consegues olhar para traz, mais do que os 180 graus que consegues ver? Não, é simplesmente a ausência de tudo, mas não podes negar que está lá. Mais tens a tua memoria. Na visão vez apenas 1 oitava de cores, no som vez para ai 8 ou seja uma cor com mais frequência ia "saber", ter a mesma "emoção" do que uma das cores que tu vez, e qualquer cor assim como frequência áudio, de frequência superior ou inferior à adaptação dos teus sentidos vai afectar o espectro que tu ouves dentro do alcance dos teus sentidos. Não a ouves particularmente, mas notas claramente a sua influência. Tiago
  20. Ninguém faz tópicos!!! Mesmo o ritmo cria percepções individuais da maneira mais subtil... Even rhythm draws individual perceptions together in the subtlest of ways. Psychiatrist William Condon of Boston University’s Medical School analyzed films of adults chatting and noticed a peculiar process at work. U n c o n s c i o u s l y, the c o n v e r s a t i o n a l i s t s began to coordinate their finger movements, eye blinks, and nods. When pairs of talkers were hooked up to separate electroencephalographs, something even more astonishing appeared—some of their brain waves were spiking in unison. Newborn babies already show this synchrony—in fact, an American infant still fresh from the womb will just as happily match its body movements to the speech of someone speaking Chinese as to someone speaking English. As time proceeds, these unnoticed synchronies draw larger and larger groups together. A graduate student working under the direction of anthropologist Edward T. Hall hid in an abandoned car and filmed children romping in a school playground at lunch hour. Screaming, laughing, running, and jumping, each seemed superficially to be doing his or her own thing. But careful analysis revealed that the group was rocking to a unified beat. One little girl, far more active than the rest, covered the entire schoolyard in her play. Hall and his student realized that without knowing it, she was “the director” and “the orchestrator.” Eventually, the researchers found a tune that fit the silent cadence. When they played it and rolled the film, it looked exactly as if each kid were dancing to the melody. But there had been no music playing in the schoolyard. Said Hall, “Without knowing it, they were all moving to a beat they generated themselves... an unconscious undercurrent of synchronized movement tied the group together.” William Condon concluded that it doesn’t make sense to view humans as “isolated entities.” They are, he said, bonded together by their involvement in “shared organizational forms.”34 In other words, without knowing it individuals form a team. Even in our most casual moments, we pulse in synchrony. Queria traduzir para português mas deu-me a preguiça é por isso que queremos estar uns com os outros e não do outro lado do computador! A musica aumenta essa sincronização ... afinal o que é que ia-mos sozinhos fazer para uma festa ! Existem mesmo ligações entre nós de que não nos apercebemos. Sinapses com os outros. Por isso temos sentimentos e sensações similares. Estamos mais ligados aos outros do que alguma vez imaginámos! Tiago http://lightsphere.pt.vu/
  21. Algum conteúdo do livro para os preguiçosos :-) When Fidel Castro launched one of his Keystone Comedy-style invasions of Cuba, his rather rusty ship got bogged down in the mangrove roots about a mile offshore, so it was impossible to unload the supplies and ammunition. Castro’s men, all 30 or so of them, had to wade 5270 feet in water up to their necks to get ashore, seriously moistening their gunpowder and their weapons in the process. By the time they reached the beach they were exhausted. Then Batista’s troops spotted them as they crawled inland and managed to wipe out all but three—Castro and two others. The trio of survivors took refuge in a cane field, but the Batista troops knew they were in there somewhere. So they combed one row of cane after another, while Fidel and his two companions lay still on their bellies and avoided even a belch or a whisper to elude detection. Then the Batista folks got fed up and started to set the fields on fire. Unfortunately for history, they missed the one in which Fidel and his somewhat diminished army of two were ensconced. That night, when the Batista boys decided to get some sleep, Fidel counted heads—which took about half a second—and inventoried his arsenal. There was one rifle left. The future “savior” of Cuba (poor Cuba) was elated. He spent the rest of the night lecturing his unfortunate duo of followers. The theme of his exuberant, though hushed oration? “We have won the Revolution!!!!” I am not kidding. (Neither was Fidel.) How ironic that this real life Ayn-Randian hero turned out to be a Leninist monster. But you haven’t heard the last of Fidel yet. Once the wily leader had escaped the sugar field, he managed to triple the size of his army— bringing it up to a grand total of seven. Then some of his supporters persuaded the New York Times to send a reporter down to the Sierra Madres for a week of interviews. Fidel ordered his men to change costumes and identities every hour or two, then report for duty, supposedly as the heads of massive brigades camped out in the neighboring hills. Each time one of his septet reappeared as a supposedly different member of the revolutionary corps, the entrant would say something like, “Comrade exigente, I have 1000 men stationed three miles away. Do you want me to move them closer to the urinals?” After seven days of this, the New York Times reporter was convinced that the Maximum Leader had roughly 10,000 hard-bitten soldiers salted away among the pine trees, and that the revolutionary force was unbeatable. The scribe wrote this “indisputable fact” up in a highly-touted series on the “Cuban insurrection.” Journalists, being an independent-minded lot, immediately scrambled to Cuba to replicate the Ti m e s’ scoop. L i f e, L o o k, and all three networks sent in their best reporters. Fidel repeated the costumechanging trick. The result: Every media outlet in sight parroted the Ti m e s’ conclusion that Fidel and his massive army had practically taken Cuba already. A year later, when Batista finally couldn’t stand being made a fool of by the American press anymore,he decamped. Then The New Yorker ran a cartoon with a picture of Fidel and the caption, “I got my job in the New York Ti m e s.” I doubt that many people understood the precision of the joke. “It is not necessary to construct a theory of intentional cultural control,” media critic Herbert Schiller commented in 1989. “In truth, the strength of the control process rests in its apparent absence. The desired systemic result is achieved ordinarily by a loose though e ffective institutional process.” In his book Culture, Inc.: The Corporate Takeover of Public Expression, Schiller went on to cite “the education of journalists and other media professionals, built-in penalties and rewards for doing what is expected, norms presented as objective rules, and the occasional but telling direct intrusion from above. The main lever is the internalization of values.” While millions were being killed in the Soviet Union, Western journalists participated in the cover-up. Walter Durante of the New York Times, who was supplied by the People’s Government with a luxurious apartment in Moscow and a good supply of caviar, said nothing about Stalin’s murderous rampage. Reporting the truth might have endangered his cozy relationship with the Soviet authorities. Hundreds of other journalists visited the Soviet Union without reporting on the slaughter. Lincoln Steffens, an influential American newspaperman, said: “I have seen the future and it works.” This didn’t fit the facts, but it did fit Steffens’ political preconceptions. Writers with similarly idealistic beliefs tried to give the impression that while the West was decomposing, the Soviet Union was showing the way to a brave new world. Writers who attempted to tell the truth were viciously attacked as enemies of progressive humanitarianism. Meanwhile, shielded by a dishonest Western press, Soviet authorities killed over 25 million men, women, and children—shooting, starving, torturing, or working them to death. In 1964, while writing a position paper on the Viet Nam war for a congressional candidate in Buffalo, NY, I reviewed a tremendous percentage of the material being written on the subject at the time—everything from articles in Ti m e and N e w s w e e k to the speeches of the President and his leading cabinet members. I turned vehemently against our participation in the bloodbath. It wasn’t until 26 years later, while reading a novel by a South Korean who’d participated in the war—an author whose moral stance was neutral and whose work was published by a house whose owners were as much against the war as I had been—that I learned the Viet Cong had regularly enforced discipline in “liberated” villages by tying recalcitrant families—men, women, and children—to kegs of dynamite and blowing them up in the town square as a lesson to anyone else who might disagree with the new form of Viet Cong freedom. Somehow the American and French press—which I’d also followed fairly carefully—was diligent in its reporting of American atrocities. But the atrocities of the Viet Cong were airbrushed out of existence. And my impression these days is that the Viet Cong’s outrages were the worst of the two. Only dimly aware of the pressures on Dr. King, I came to his news conference with a CBS camera crew prepared to do what TV reporters do—get the most threatening sound bite I could in order to insure a place on the Evening News lineup. I succeeded in eliciting from him phrases on the possibility of ‘disruptive protest’ directed at the Johnson Administration and Congress. “As I waited for my camera crew to pack up, I noticed that Dr. King remained seated behind a table in an almost-empty room, looking depressed. Approaching him, I asked why he seemed so morose. ‘Because of you,’ he said, ‘and because of your colleagues in television. You try to provoke me to threaten violence, and if I don’t then you will put on television those who do. By putting them on television, you elect them our leaders. And, if there is violence, will you think of your part in bringing it about?’ I was shaken, but not enough to keep me from excerpting the news conference film from the evening news... I never saw Dr. King again. Less than two months later, he was assassinated. Charles Darwin was far less naïve than Gory. He didn’t just theorize and marshal evidence, then leave it at that. Darwin marshaled support, working hard to line up the backing of the top scientists of his d a y. Darwin already had one herd-head-turner going for him. His family was scientifically illustrious. The famous evolutionary theorist Erasmus Darwin was his grandfather. Anything with the Darwin name on it had an automatic attraction for the scientific sheep of the day. Yet Darwin worked methodically to court the friendship of scientific opinion-makers. When Alfred Russel Wallace showed up in England having already written up ideas Darwin had only penciled in, Darwin’s influential friends lined up to support Chuck’s prior claim to the concepts. They turned down the claims of Wallace, a stranger to them. When Darwin finally published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859, he relied on another friend, the famous T.H. Huxley, to publicize his ideas. Said Huxley, “I am sharpening up my claws and beak in readiness.” Darwin kept a list of the men he’d have to win over, and methodically checked off each one he was able to “convert.” The father of evolution knew that science is more than a struggle for truth, it’s a struggle for social influence, a game of manipulating the herd. Tiago
  22. lightsphere


    As pessoas que morrem, vivem nas pessoas que as conheceram. Morrem, mas não morrem nunca. Nós somos as as pessoas que já morreram. É tão simples. Tiago
  23. Ninguem chegou perto do que eu queria dizer mas deixo-vos uma sugestão de leitura : You Are Being Lied To: The Disinformation Guide to Media Distortion, Historical Whitewashes, and Cultural Myths de Noam Chomsky boa introdução... Tiago
  24. Basicamente o que eu quero é que as pessoas deixem a preguiça mental, e não se deixem morrer. À dois anos, ardeu um área de floresta considerável, muito perto de onde moro. O que eu vi foi as pessoas maioritariamente a apreciar o fogo e até de um ponto já perecia um evento porreiro onde as pessoas se juntavam para conviver e mandavam as suas "gargalhadas" Como é que isto aconteceu às pessoas, perguntava-me eu. Para mim que tinha uma ligação muito maior com essa area pois costumava passear muito de mota por ela não foi nada engraçado. Como as vezes era o único a tentar apagar o fogo sozinho e outras vezes começava a falar um bocado enervado, algumas pessoas até podiam pensar que tinha sido eu a por o fogo! Cheguei mesmo a ser identificado pela policia 2 vezes. Mais um pensamento implantado pela televisão -se x está a apagar o fogo é porque foi ele que o ateou... Isto não era assim à 30 anos, parece que as pessoas tem vergonha de se mexer, de pegar nuns ramos de acácia e fazer o que puderem. Será que passaram todos para a burguesia? e volto ao mesmo PORRA se a rádio passa-se musica porreira alguém gostava de shakira? Por favor musica para pitas de 13 anos! Porque é que tudo o que sai da boca de um fulano chamado g. walker bush quer exactamente dizer o contrário? TUDO. a pergunta é quem é que controla a educação, cultura, conhecimento geral? Professores, Cientistas, Filósofos... Alguém consegue descobrir? Tiago
  25. Ok no fundo realidade e ficção são a mesma coisa porque ambos dependem do observador, sem observador não têm significado!!! ? ?-) Se a mãe natureza pudesse dar respostas em Português! O que eu falo é do "sentimento matrix" ou a "paranóia global" no "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" ! Todos o têm... mesmo sendo apagado pela cultura! Nunca imaginaram que há alguma coisa para perceberem que não percebem? Tiago