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Everything posted by UltravisionRecords

  1. ja lhe deste oh brasucaaa hiihhi PARTY TIME sabes bem!!!! sigaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa para o party time
  2. olha flyer ja esta a caminho, spot ja temos e vamos postar aki mto em breve, queria desde ja agradecer aos amigos e familia ultravision, vamos ter ai festao, SIGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :dancing: :dndrugs:
  3. uuuu q bueno!!!! sorte para mafalda e toda familia de carpe diem, sempre altas festas !!! abraxo
  4. botaaaaaa, boa sorte kafar e toda familia samaveda, abraxos
  5. ta nice o flyer . zimbooooora q ja deu vontadeeeeee. SIGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :dancing: :dancing:
  6. oooo vitesse ja lhe deste , zimbora q ja faltou mais, tou anciosooo crl hhehhhehh, :dancing:
  7. zimboooooraaaaaaaaa! botaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :dancing: :dancing: :dancing:
  8. opah, parece q o pessoal anda mto timido né? hehhhhh grande abraco e nos sigaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  9. Booootaaaaaaaaa, bora partir akela merda toda, abraxooo a toda gente e até lá !!!! :yahoo: :smokinggun:
  10. a pois sabes bem, nem queiraaa !! zimboraaaaaaa ja falto mais :S::DS
  11. podes estar certo disso, o que estao ai no lineup nao vao faltar, ja estao confirmadissimos, e ainda esperamos confirmar mais 1 live,. grande abraco a todos e nos vemos no dancefloor... SIGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  12. pois é. vamos agora em busca do spot! espero que gostem de lá. soooon more infos!!! SIGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  13. + 1 live adicionado, e vem mais poor ai:D ZIMBORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  14. sabes bem como é que é !! hehehhehh abraço manoooo, te cuidaaa zimboraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  15. esperem que vem mais lives ai, vai ser pa partir!! sigaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  16. mesmo... sei que o iguana vai acabar com a gente ahsuahsuashaushas zimboraa que vem festao ai !!!
  17. 12 JUNHO 2010 = ULTRABLISS OPEN AIR @ CALHA DO GROU TRILOGY RELEASE PARTY LIVES: Naked Tourist ( Parvati Records ) GERMANY http://www.myspace.com/djiguanainfo Brain Hunters ( Ultravision Recs/Yabai Recs ) MEXICO/SPAIN http://www.myspace.com/brainhunterszone Will o Wisp ( Dark Prisma Records ) ARGENTINA 1st time in portugal http://www.myspace.com/willowispfiles Nature Disaster ( Ultravision Records ) ISRAEL 1st time in portugal http://www.myspace.com/naturedisaster d.N.i ( Push Recs/Ultravision Recs ) BRAZIL http://www.myspace.com/dnimusics Magma Ohm ( Ultravision Recs/Antimateria Recs ) BRAZIL 1st time in portugal http://www.myspace.com/magmaohm Brainwash ( Fraktal Recs/Ultravision Recs ) PORTUGAL http://www.myspace.com/mybrainwashspace Endless Euforia (Ultravision Recs/Mind Expansion) BRAZIL http://www.myspace.com/endlesseuforia LIVE ACT LINE UP CLOSED! LINE UP FECHADO! DJ SET Black Box (d.N.i & Brain Hunters New Project) Ultravision Records BR-MEX http://www.myspace.com/dnimusics http://www.myspace.com/brainhunterszone Iguana ( Parvati Records ) GER http://www.myspace.com/djiguanainfo Psyonic ( Ultravision Recs/Devil Ground Prod ) PT http://www.myspace.com/psyonicmusic Mettapax ( Nutek Recs/Blissful Recs ) PT http://www.myspace.com/0mettapax Psyvibe ( Ultravision Recs/Magic Vibes) PT http://www.myspace.com/psyvibe Mulondark ( Ultravision Recs/Devil Ground Prod) PT http://www.myspace.com/mulondarkk Space Byrd (Ultravision Records) http://www.myspace.com/byrdinspace Magnodum (Blissful / Ultravision Recs) http://www.myspace.com/dj_magnodum DJ SET LINE UP CLOSED / LINE UP FECHADO DECO: Vision Lock & Magic Vibes info: CD´S ULTRAVISION SERAO OFERECIDOS NA PORTA AS PRIMEIRAS 100 ENTRADAS! 915 413 796 & ultravisionrecords@hotmail.com MORE INFOS VERY SOON!
  18. Hahahahahha Q GRANDE FESTIVAL. inexplicavel, para mim akele lugar paradisiaco me deixou sem saber pa onde ir , qdo acabou o festival claro, todo mundo pa trancosoooo o vidaa ruim hahahhahahhaha praia, agua fresca e mulhres bonitas q vidinha hahahaahhahaahaha
  19. ?! Devia querer dizer...live para ai de 2h ...a parte dos 3cdjs...é que nao tou bem a ver... mto facil, ankur nao faz live act, somente live pa como highko! ele toca somente tracks dele, mais com 3 cdjs! abraxooo
  20. opah, axo que o hugo esqueceu da nossa festa 12 junho, mais pa lembrarlo aki deixo o link,... http://www.goatrance.de/goabase/party/details/50389
  21. Ultravision Records is proud to presents... Mekanikal Mind & Friends - Deadly Meeting Title: Deadly Meeting Artist: Mekanikal Mind & Friends Format: Digital Flac, Wav & Mp3 Catalog No: UVR EP 008 Release Date: TBA (COMING SOON) Mastering: Endless Euforia http://www.myspace.com/endlesseuforia Label: Ultravision Records http://www.myspace.com/ultravisionrecords Artwork: Mucora & d.N.i Distribution: World Wide by Distelectronic and Ultravision Records Description: MEKANICAL MIND aka MULONDARK is the name besides of Miguel Neto. He's from Paços de Ferreira(Portugal) and was born in 1986. Now he live in Coimbra, he started dealing with electronic music at 18 years old. In 2004 and discovered the psychedelic scene and psychedelic partys. Miguel started djing the dark psy trance in 2007 and then, in 2008/2009, after working with a few music production programs he created his own electronic music project called Turture corps. This project is a mix /noise/ sounds and dark with a strong rhythm. Always developing new ideas to his own music. Making his live debut appearence in 2009 and since then he already played with many international artists such as: Sator Arepo, Endless Euforia, d.N.i, LAB, , Rawar, , Khaos Sektor, ,Jellyheads, Atary,Brainwhash,Klacid,Signa,Xamacirkus,Charade,Divine Stones,Psyonic,Unknown Project, PsyVibe, Ketamadness, Korpora, etc..... Deadly meeting is a ep of Miguel with collaboration of Rawar, Endless Euforia and Viatoxic, artist from portugal and brasil that make dancefloors tremble with those beats. This ep is hard and strong, psychedelic leads, progressive ambiences and hard beats make the DEADLY MEETING Tracklist : 1. Mekanical Mind & Viatoxik - Fucking Bad Trip 160 2. Mekanical Mind & Rawar - The Devil 154 to 170 2. Mekanikal Mind & Endless Euforia - I Care About What You Want 175 MORE INFOS VERY SOON!!!