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Everything posted by psygarden

  1. So far 60 artists have signed up already! the first 100 artists that upload a track get to keep the 250Mb of space for their tracks! After we've reached that number of artists the quota will be set to 100Mb as we see the site grow! Kind regards, Rik
  2. Psygarden is proud to anounce the birth of it's little baby sister Psytracks.com. She's a bit of a rebel but we believe in her future! Psytracks.com is a website that does for unsigned musicians what psygarden does for visual artists. Artists can create profiles, have their own blog, an event calender, and ofcourse upload up to 250Mb of their tracks (for all beta testers that sign up now. Normal users only get 100Mb). So an unlimited number of beginning artists can join, and share their music. Charts are generated from the statistics so you can see which tracks are hot and even find out if they have any parties planned in the near future. Artists have the choice of offering their stacks streaming, or optionally also for download. All artists that sign up now while we are still working on the website gets the 250Mb artists website! So please help us test this new platform so we can continue to improve it! The beta of the website can be seen here: www.psytracks.com . Kind regards, Rik
  3. I'm always looking for php coders for all future projects on the site...
  4. ust thought i'd bring my site to your attention, it might interest you all www.psygarden.be it's a psychedelic / visionary art gallery featuring wel over 100 visual artists from all over the world, mainly associated with the global psychedelic trance movement. It also hosts a large partypicture database of events worldwide! Kind regards, Rik