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Everything posted by Wicked

  1. Haaaaaa pareeeeeeeentEEE ! Andamos nas andanças cibernéticas, divulgando maluquiçes psicadélicas? Fazes Beennnn Bom set Damaru, sempre a fundo
  2. hahahahahahahah piggy MTO BOM já me puseste a rir! Vê-la se vens e trás a tua abóbora
  3. Great news Kiriyama, i've already heard the samples and i think that this album is really a great oportunity to open boundaries in the perception of your sound and a very particulary way to look in the dark scene! My sincere respect to you,to your album and of course for Devils Mind Records
  4. Title: Wic|{ed Set - Triplag Love Bpm: 148 to 157 Time: 1h55min50sec Format : Mp3 44kHz CDJ : Pioneer Cdj 400 Mixer: Pioneer Djm 400 Genre: Psychedelic Tracklist: 1 - Terminator - On The Roof Of The World (Deja Vu Records) 2 - KZ - P.F.F. (Triplag Music) 3 - Far East Ghost - Call Of Thunder (Triplag Music) 4 - Psychoson - Afra (Triplag Music) 5 - VOC - Narcotic Nut (Triplag Music) 6 - Somarobotics - Constitutional Rape (Triplag Music) 7 - Hishiryo VS Gidra - Sickpeople (Triplag Music) 8 - Baphomet Engine - Blix (Triplag Music) 9 - Diablos - Disty (Triplag Music) 10 - Dark Ohm - Brain Slicer (Triplag Music) 11 - Far East Ghost - Model 19 (Triplag Music) 12 - CPC & Lost Eden - Hochu (Triplag Music) 13 - Oxidelic - Monipamonia (Triplag Music) 14 - Necropsycho VS Hell Hazers - Yuu Rei Tales (Triplag Music) 15 - Yara - In Waiting (Triplag Music) 16 - Mephisto - Doomsday (Triplag Music) 17 - Baal - Corpse Explosion (Triplag Music) 18 - Dark Ohm - Steeler (Triplag Music) 19 - VOC - Twisted Reality (Triplag Music) 20 - CPC & Lost Eden - Noice Fans (Triplag Music) 21 - Agressive Mood VS Witch - Obscure Noises (Triplag Music) 22 - Kalilaskov AS VS Noise Gust - Evil Computer Crash (Triplag Music) 23 - Mephisto - Necromancer club (Triplag Music) 24 - CPC & Lost Eden - La Revolucion (Triplag Music) Links: 128kbps http://www.sendspace.com/file/yc1zst 320kbps http://www.sendspace.com/file/i0zvdp
  5. Estás um pouco equivocado lolol ele veio ao El Sombrero sim mas nessa altura ele ainda nem pertencia à Rockdenashi e o álbum dele ainda estava em preparativos, poderias saber que ele estaria a fazer o álbum mas daí a uma apresentação duvido muito ^^
  6. Finally some action !! Tudo a correr beme que chovam compras ahah
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXc7ZhnHniw A minha favorita !!!! ESTE HOMEM é uma cena do MAAAALLLLLL :dancing:
  8. Title: Wic|{ed Set - Snake Skin Bpm: 152 to 154 Time: 1h13min06sec Format : Mp3 44kHz CDJ : Pioneer Cdj 400 Mixer: Pioneer Djm 400 Genre: Psychedelic Tracklist: 1 - Cymazz - Killing the King (Illuminati Records) 2 - Zen Mind - Evil Men (Blue Magik Records) 3 - Stranger - Out Of This World (Tantrumm Records) 4 - Baal - Eve Of Destruction (Triplag Music) 5 - Morbidsource - K2 Is On The Way (Triplag Music) 6 - Brain Panik - Plastic Surgery Part 1 (Triplag Music) 7 - Olien - Infinitek (Triplag Music) 8 - Necropsycho - Worldzirre (Dead Tree Productions) 9 - Flipknot - Melting Galaxy (Tremours Underground) 10 - Khaos Sektor - Rise Of The Lycans (Triplag Music) 11 - Jellyheadz - Deconstruction (Tantrumm Records) 12 - Mind Distortion System vs. Darkshire - Integrated (Lycantrop Records) 13 - Cannibal BBQ vs. Neo vOx - Freakmaster (Tremours Underground) 14 - Rawar vs. The Heretic - Lost Souls (2to6 Records) 15 - Psykovsky - P.S.Y. Loves You (Tantrumm Records) Links: 128kbps http://www.sendspace.com/file/lvnley 320kbps http://www.sendspace.com/file/k3zkom
  9. Já fizestes das tuas Little Angered Boy, samples do bafo, album do demónio tu mereçes !!!
  10. Arigato Isto tá bom é pa ti pareeentEEEE !
  11. Já ouvi este álbum e recomendo principalmente a música de Voc e o rmx do nosso LAB!! Grande abraço LAB full fóckin powa
  12. Title: Wic|{ed Set - Midnight Snack Bpm: 148 Time: 36min34sec Format : Mp3 128kbps 44kHz CDJ : Pioneer Cdj 400 Mixer: Pioneer Djm 400 Genre: Psychedelic Tracklist: 1. Hutti Heita - Twisting the Night Away (Yggdrasil Records) 2. Atriohm - Rings Of Fairy (Auraquake) 3. Parus - Nevesomost (AntiShanti Records) 4. Vous Deox - Wild Wild West (Auraquake) 5. Stranger - Dramatica (Tantrumm Records) 6. Polykaos - Amanite Muscaria (Goamantra Records) 7. Para Halu - Dead Lights (Discovalley Records) Link 320kbps: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ic7c6p
  13. Elaaaaaaaaaase esta promete boa sorte para tudo FULL POWAAA
  14. Tá pouco bom tá não oiçam que não é preciso ahahah
  15. Full power my friend continua que estás no bom caminho !!! Quero maiiiiiiisss